Hard Facts for Hard Times: Greening with Unions.

Guest speech invited by the NEU for their Strike Rally at Jubilee Square Maidstone on 27th May 2023, on behalf of Maidstone Green Party.
NEU strike rally at Jubilee Square 27th April 2023

Good morning, and thank you for inviting me today.  I’m Stephen Thompson, from Maidstone Green Party, and candidate for Detling and Thurnham Ward to Maidstone Borough Council in next week’s local elections. 

I’d now like to introduce my classroom persona…

Good morning Children! Are you ready for your lessons? 

We are learning from our local author, Medway boy made good Mr Charles Dickens.

Open your text at chapter 1 of Hard Times.


‘Now, what I want is, Facts.  Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts.  Facts alone are wanted in life.  Plant nothing else, and root out everything else.  You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them.  This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which I bring up these children.  Stick to Facts, sir!’

Being enthusiasts for flipped learning, you will know that Chapter Two continues…


Thomas Gradgrind, sir.  A man of realities.  A man of facts and calculations.  A man who proceeds upon the principle that two and two are… [four!], and nothing over, and who is not to be talked into allowing for anything over. 

I shall put my mortarboard down now.

Speaking on behalf of Maidstone Green Party. Video still Meg Shepherd-Foster

Educators are crucial to developing our young people to adapt to new realities.  Greens are set on Education for a sustainable future, education for a flexible and creative workforce. 

Greens are committed to education for creative business.  We expect government to adapt to challenges and mitigate crises so that our communities pivot to sustainability.   We can’t talk about the future of education without facing the realities of the crises in climate, biodiversity, globalisation- pollution in our water and air, the cost of living – we are rapidly facing a polycrisis.  Dickensian Hard Times indeed.  This demands Education for holistic development of young people that is not target led or bound by statistics.  Education that is not minimally funded, as though it isn’t really the most important thing Govt should be doing.   The future hinges on sustainable funding of education, and maintenance of a sustainable workforce, retaining experienced teachers, developing those with experience, and retaining new entrants rather than driving burnout, so perhaps a third leave within three years.  The fact is that underpaying staff so they cannot afford to live near their schools and sustain family life of their own amounts to unfair terms and conditions.  We demand an ethos in government that gives both adequate pay and professional respect to the whole workforce, so that pay rises are not funded by cuts from what schools need to support teaching and learning, and their rising energy and repair bills. Two plus two can only make… [four!], not five!

Our children have suffered so much over lockdown- mental health issues and socialisation have become so much more challenging. Some colleagues have not agreed to take industrial action for that reason, probably due to the very high bar set by Conservative legislation.  In any case, the NEU position is principled. Absolutely so.  None of the things I’ve outlined can happen if we keep losing teachers who can’t endure the regime or the financial limits set by the current government.  Schools can’t continue to afford repair bills, energy prices and fund pay increases if the Govt won’t specifically fund pay.  There are no meaningful savings left to be made- all teachers are teaching more hours, to larger classes, with less PPA and now we may be expected to spend longer on site.  Teachers understand that their role is a vocation.  We never signed up for the pay.  But the worker is worthy of their wages.  You are here today to deliver Facts to those holding on to the levers of power and decision.

Banner signing on behalf of Maidstone Greens.

It is good that schools have made best efforts to keep examination classes on track for their public exams- we all support that.  Your decision to return to further strikes should not be misunderstood as neglect of any of today’s students: industrial action and protest in the public square are clear ways to show the whole community that your stand is not simply for your own pay and conditions, but for the good of the education system as a whole- for without a sustainable workforce, there can be no sustainable education system.

The Green Party stands with all education professionals, with schools, with all our children, and supports your last-resort protest against the deliberate and calculated government refusal to a fully funded pay settlement. They are the authors of these Hard Times. This is not grubby self-interest. We support you all in making the case that your protest is in all these wider causes, so our community future might be truly sustainable.

Published by Stephen Thompson

Thinking inside the box is to be recommended for many reasons. I am creating this blog in May 2020 as we are encouraged to stay inside our boxes as far as possible, though we are allowed out- encouraged out, indeed- for exercise. By blogging, our thinking can also be allowed out for public exercise. Right now we need new thinking, new exercising of our mental faculties, and collective application of our thinking to the big idea of a healthy collective future. I am trialling my thinking in constructive theology, science and leadership in the light of my experience as a science teacher, theological student and as a representative of the Christian community in the county of Kent, in the UK. I welcome your partnership!

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